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Remote Connectivity / VPN  / Security

With considerable technology changes over the last several years, the ongoing trend is to move more and more work towards the home office. Many offices supply computers or laptops to many of their employees.  Administrators and Account Managers need remote access to what is happening back at the home office - and many times they need this access available from the hotel room on the road - or the beach by the resort.

Internet access has connected the entire world together - and the associated technology (such as most new laptops now including wireless connectivity or "IP Phones" making your office telephone extension available anywhere there is an internet connection) has made accessing the internet  - and thus networks from remote - very common. However, the balance between security and usability has always been delicate. In planning for remote access, the source and the destination of each user on the network must be planned for - as well as which files, services, and tasks to which they have access upon connecting.

Advanced Computer uses these technologies on a regular basis to not only check in with it's home office to communicate with clients, but it also administers several VPN tunnels between all of Cyber Broadband's tower sites in which Advanced Computer personnel own an interest ; as well as Advanced Broadband's tower sites across Morgan, Blount, and Jefferson counties. Our company has also routinely set up remote access for insurance agents, account managers, and associates in law firms.  We have also connected multiple remote sites together such as bank branches, satellite offices, and even home-office and business-office networks together in real time.

Oh - - and yes - - we understand what ipsec, pptp, pppoe, local secure group, remote secure group, des, 3des, md5,sha, a preshared key, wpa, ep, radius, phase 1 proposal, phase 2 proposal, and yes - we even know what psk is. :)  Without knowing these things, it's very difficult to get a vpn tunnel up and running - reliably - and secure!

New for 2009:  Cyber Broadband, in partnership with Advanced Computer, now offers digital telephone service.  This service allows incoming calls to ring at multiple extensions, even located at multiple sites, forwarding to cellphones, and "pull back" to voicemail, and many other features.  We believe in the next five years this technology will nearly completely replace analog telephone service, and we're proud to be part of the team making it available right here across North Alabama!





Locally owned and operated by Jay Fuller - providing efficient solutions since 2001

Advanced Computer Solutions LLC  *  Cullman AL 35055  *  (256) 775-4972